The past week or so has been full of challenging questions for me in terms of figuring out what the next stage of my exploration will be, and how it will take form. I had a great talk with a longtime friend/mentor of mine who has a PhD in communications and is an expert wordsmith, picking his brain about the concept and the content of my work. He gave some really helpful feedback and I will be meeting with him again tomorrow, when he will be able to see the work in person and provide his perspective/knowledge regarding some of the theoretical issues with which I've been wrestling. On Karen's recommendation, I've also spent some time investigating alternative materials and "construction" methods, looking at work by other artists, pondering questions she asked me, and thinking about formal issues. I have received a lot of very helpful - and at times conflicting - feedback on the work I have made so far (images that I've posted here and on Facebook), and I have spent a lot of time looking at and handling those pieces. When I have had available time, I have continued to print and to keep reading, writing, sketching, and thinking... and I had another long/good/challenging/inspiring talk with Karen today about the direction my work will take next. While I am thoroughly enjoying the journey (and all of the explorations along the way to my destination), it sure would be much easier if I had a map...