Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Still cranking out work...

It has been like this my entire life: the closer I get to a deadline, the better I do. Yes, I do lose sleep, forget to eat, neglect other important details in my life, and basically become a crazy person (which I often take out unintentionally on the people around me, so please forgive me if that's happened to you), but I also tend to find that the pressure and intensity of focus that occur "at the 11th hour" often brings motivation, clarity, and determination that just aren't there when I have too much time on my hands. (Good conversations with people who care can be really helpful, too - so thanks to all of you who have given me that.) That said, I have been printing as much as possible the past couple of weeks, and I will be toiling away in the studio day and night at every opportunity throughout the next few days. This is the most recent product of those efforts (yes, I know the image is crappy), and I expect to have at least one or two more pieces finished in addition to tweaking a couple of others. I may not be coherent by the next time you see me, but I do think that my project will be decent. I'll pull myself back together in June.


P.S. Yesterday I ordered the magnets for hanging my work. Yay!

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