Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Impressions, Please...

Ok, so I've been trying for almost an hour to upload some images of my work, but without success. I think maybe my files are too big, but I'm not sure. They seem to be willing to upload, but VERY slowly, and when I click to "preview" the post, the images are enormous. If anyone can help me out with this, that would be great!

Until I figure out how to overcome this challenge, my Facebook friends can look at the images there, in an album called "UMA Senior Project."

In addition to the comments I've already received about the concept and about formal elements, I would really appreciate some feedback about your emotional and/or cognitive responses to the work. What did it feel like to see this work for the first time? What thoughts and/or questions arose as you were first examining it? What thoughts / feelings / questions / impressions did you take away from it? Do some pieces "speak" more powerfully to you than others, and if so, which ones, and why? This kind of input will really help me in moving forward with both concept development and technical execution. Thanks!


  1. Hey Barb, I'm sorry that you are having a hard time uploading pictures. It would definitely be helpful to see them. I hope that you figure it out soon! From what I can remember of them from the presentation it sounds like you have a wonderful jump off point. I do feel that some of the compositions were better than others. I also feel that these could be very interesting bigger. I know someone had mentioned it would give it away if they were bigger but I don't think so...the way you have the letters joined together I don't think it would change that much. Some of the color palettes/compositions were very frustrating to try and understand. I would like to look at these more and I also have a few ideas for you if you'd like to talk sometime soon. I can't wait to see where you go with this! I will put some comments on your fb pictures while we're waiting for them to end up here.

  2. Hey, so my first impression or gut reaction to your work was wow and that I had never seen anything like that. I really like that it was hard and frustrating to read and that at times I couldn’t. I think that the ones with more white space were stronger and I don’t think the color pallet matters, if the colors work they work and if they don’t they don’t.

  3. Barb, did you try saving your photos smaller? What I do is go into Photoshop, save a copy of the photo, then save that photo at 72 pixels/inch and make it like 8" on the longest side (Go to Image, then Image Size). Then that's the photo I use for all web stuff. You could even go as small as 5".
