Thanks to all of you who have commented on my work so far (especially to those who took the time to look and comment on my Facebook page while I was trying to figure out how to post more images here), and thanks to all who helped me trouble-shoot the photo-uploading process. Now I am trying again, and hoping that these efforts are more successful. Although I haven't made any new pieces for you to see yet, I have been reading a lot, experimenting with different support materials, and thinking through various design choices before I begin working larger. This process has been at times both challenging and informative, and I am finding that the more I figure out, the more questions and challenges I have. I am planning to do some more reading, shopping, and printing later this week (if I don't get snowed out!) and if all goes well, I should have at least one or two larger pieces done sometime next week. Stay tuned!
I think a large part of the strength of the pieces comes from the fact that the edges between the letters (in the case of the one's forming a sentence) get blurred and mushed together. Reminds me of a quote from the graphic designer David Carson, "Don't mistake legibility with communication". I love the subtleties that force you to move closer to the piece, and would keep the scale of the letters.